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Case study: Altura Platinum Home Lift Cornwall

By Bethany Ward on 13th September 2022

Sue and her husband moved into their stunning sea view property in St Ives Cornwall just before Christmas 2021.

Their new home is a bespoke development meaning Sue and her husband were able to work closely with the architect and builder throughout the design and build of the property. They were able to ensure they built a home they can live in for the rest of their lives by requesting a home lift during the planning stage, as Sue explains:

“We wanted to future proof our new home so when we get older neither of us would have to move into a care home, as we would have all the facilities here to support ourselves and live-in carers, should we need them. With it being a three-story property we knew a lift would be the only way of keeping the house fully accessible, so as part of the planning we looked into what was available.”

They visualised a home lift that would complement the design of the home and its surroundings, not one that looked like it belonged in a hospital or office block. From the front of the property, there are stunning views out to sea that Sue plans to enjoy when moving from one floor to the next. To achieve this, she would need a lift located on the front wall of the property and for it to be fully glazed on the outside, with access from different sides on different floors. However, whenever they spoke to a potential supplier, they were told it was either impossible or very challenging and therefore expensive.

“My husband and I were often here visiting the site when Anthony Curtis, of St Ives-based Parc Owles Design & Development, was developing the two neighbouring houses. He explained that Morgan Ellis had installed Access BDD Altura lifts in his properties and how impressed he had been with the level of service and quality, so we went to try them out. We were immediately struck by the high-quality finish and luxury feel of the lifts. We spoke to Jeff and Matt at Morgan Ellis to explain our lift requirements and the fact we had been unable to find anyone that could do this for us. They immediately said it was very achievable.” explained Sue.

Following several meetings and sets of plans, it was agreed the best solution was an Access BDD Altura Platinum home lift with bi-folding glass doors and glass shaft exterior, this finish would enable anyone using the lift to enjoy the stunning views. A glass exterior is not very common, but blended in perfectly with the exterior of the property and gave Sue the great view of the sea that she wished for. The home lift features blank landing doors so the lift sits discreetly inside the property, with a through entry system so the lift could be accessed both externally and internally. This was one of Sue’s initial requests that other suppliers had also been unable to meet.

Second Floor: Skyfall a multi level house in St.Ives Cornwall with a Morgan Ellis Lift installed.

Morgan Ellis worked closely with the team at Access BDD as Managing Director Jeff Shepherd explains: “Installing a lift in a domestic property is a very personal decision for the owner and we worked closely with Sue and her husband. In conjunction with Access BDD, we worked with the architect and builder to ensure we met their expectations. As the Altura goes into a pre-built lift shaft and the shaft was slightly smaller than standard, we specified swing doors for this particular Altura installation.

Alex Austin from Access BDD was on hand throughout the build and installation process to answer any queries and this level of support from a manufacturer is vital to us.”

While Sue and her husband do not use the lift as a sole form of access to the upper levels of the house, they already find it incredibly useful when moving things around the home. “Recently, the lift really showed its value when we had some friends to stay one of whom had reduced mobility and without the lift they would have been unable to visit us. We are delighted with the lift, with the convenience it gives us and peace of mind for the future – I would not hesitate in recommending Morgan Ellis and Access BDD to anyone considering a home lift – we certainly would not be without it” concluded Sue.

The Altura Platinum lift from Access BDD incorporates a modern and luxurious design with reliable hydraulic technology to provide a lift which can be used indoors and out and in a wide range of private and public environments. There are two models available, the Simplicity and the Deluxe both of which can be installed in a standalone metallic shaft or within a masonry shaft and are available in a wide range of sizes, configurations, cabin options and finishes. In addition to the eight standard plan sizes, the Platinum can also be custom-made to meet the client’s requirements should this be necessary.

The Platinum is powered off a standard mains electricity supply and is fitted with an emergency battery backup unit.

For more information on the full range of home lifts, stairlifts and platform lifts available or to find your nearest Access BDD dealer call 01642 853 650, visit or email

You can contact Morgan Ellis on 01702 780002, email: or visit: